Customer Reviews

Based on 51 reviews
Leila Connelly

Its as described. Nice pillow for baby to relax on. Once baby starts rolling over you can't leave it on the couch for safety reasons. It's good for the first 3-4 months of their life. It is helpful to use for baby to be in a comfortable place when you can't hold him/her. It also can be a good back support for a pillow if you want to get more use out of it after baby gets to big. If its your last baby after he/she no longer needs it, it's definitely something to donate or giveaway to another mom ...


This is wonderful. Our daughter loves it and it's so easy to clean. We actually bought a second one(the bear one) to have for traveling. Didn't plan on cosleeping, but nights that she won't sleep in her bassinet, this comes in handy. Usually used when she naps on the couch while I sit next to her and do work.


We love this cosleeping bed. It has been a lifesaver.Our baby doesn’t want to be away from us at all. We tried the pack n play option. We tried him sleeping in a swing. No luck he would scream. I wasn’t a 100% excited about cosleeping. It made me very nervous but that was the only way he seemed to calm down. His pediatrician recommended one of these type of beds. After about 1 more week of being persistent he finally sleeps in it no problem! Now I can sleep knowing my baby is in a safer space.Al...


We just received ours, and I love it! Our baby girl wont be born for a few months still, so I can't really attest to how well she will like it. But, so far I'm happy with the purchase!


My wife pick this out and it’s a really good buy. Our son has been using it for a month and will only sleep comfortably while he is in it! Great alternative to the dock a tot! The only downfall is when we had to wash it the button that connects the bottom started to fringe and we just ended up cutting it off. But it’s easy to wash and dry and it’s just a great quality for the price